The Future of Education
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. - Malcolm X
Humanity has always wondered what the future will be like. In the same vein, I have ventured to foretell what the education systems of the future will be like. Perhaps the image below may be helpful to envisage the education of the future.
Based on my experiences as an educator, these are some of the characteristics that I think will dominate the future educational landscape:
- The world will "shrink" and the world will be my classroom. Institutions of today will cease to exist - students may enroll in whatever modules of their choosing. Demographics of today suggest that the rate of population growth in the future will decline rapidly until we reach a stable equilibrium.
- The educational culture will evolve to a state where we no longer obtain an education to prepare ourselves for a future career. People will have plenty of time on their hands and learning will become a pursuit towards self-realization.
- AI and related technologies will dominate the future educational landscape. Classes will be very small in size and there may not be any teachers or instructors. Students will educate themselves. Curriculum may require students to work on particular problems for which they need to work in groups to design and fabricate their prototypes - always working in groups. The student groups will not be only racially and culturally diverse, but also geographically diverse. The image below may provide a glimpse of a future student interacting with his peers remotely.
Fig. 2: A student of the future assisted by AI and related technologies.
- The disciplines that students will enroll into will not be like the specialized bins that we categorize students into presently. Each student will be able to tailor his/her own education. The education will be monitored and regulated by AI and other related technologies of the future.
- Meta-cognitive learning will be the mode of education where each student will be guided through the necessity of proper "thinking".
- There will be significant emphasis on mindfulness and well being. Once again these will be monitored and regulated by AI and other related technologies.
- Grades and degree scrolls will be relics of history. Each student will be educated to the maximum of his or her potential.
The Education of the future is exciting and rewarding. Of course, it is a result of the progress, as well as the mistakes, that we are making presently. This is our legacy for a future that will be truly a golden age of learning.
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